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The world of running fuels (gels, bars, gummies, and powders) has exploded in recent years.
In fact, there are so many options that it can feel overwhelming to choose one.
That’s why we’re sharing our FAVORITE running fuels that are RunBetter App tested & approved!
Let us know what you think or share your favorites in the comments.

1. Skratch Labs Hydration Powder. “Very tolerable,” says RunBetter App co-founder Curt Mann. Comes in a variety of flavors, including fruit punch, mango + tangerine, pineapple, matcha + lemon, and more.
2. Maurten Hydrogel Sports Fuel. Curt also swears by Maurten gels. “No overpowering taste and a great consistency. Big step up from the old gels I used to use.”
3. Run Gum. Co-founder Nicole loves to chew Run Gum to get an energy boost during her run.
4. Propel Powder Packets. When on the treadmill, Nicole will add a packet of Propel to her water bottle.
5. Chocolate Outrage GU. “If I were running a marathon, I’d take the chocolate GU with caffeine as my fuel,” said Nicole.
6. CLIF BLOKS. Chris Wehrman, a.k.a “Coach Worm,” the third co-founder of the RunBetter App and a 2x Olympic Trials qualifier in the Marathon, has always used strawberry CLIF BLOKS during his marathons.